The Tattooist of Auschwitz (6 episode TV show)

I know this is insane. But really. While filmmaking on movies and tv shows, all this Second World War crap really needs to come to a stop. 🛑🛑🛑🛑 PRONTO. Nothing more, nothing else. In this topic however, we’re looking at the very first tattooist.

Now tattooists, give us awesome tattoos. Only if we feel like having one. But if it’s permanent, then they stay with us for a long time. And it would cost a lot of money to get one removed. Until there is nothing left of it.

For example, when Robert Shaw’s character in “Jaws”, reveals that he’s a survivor of the U.S.S. Indianapolis incident, Roy Scheider’s character as Chief Brody could tell by a tattoo of it. That Quint had removed on one of his arms. And that is when Quint told him and Richard Dreyfus as Matt Hooper, the oceanographer about the incident.

Another example, would be that in “The Hangover: Part II”, (that I gave a 👎🏻 on), would be that Ed Helms had a real one….on his face! Cost him a lot of money to get it removed. Worst comedy movie of 2011. No thanks to those three weirdos including Ed Helms.

A third example, would be Pete Davidson in “The King of Staten Island”. Based on his childhood days, his character would be none other than a 24 year old high school dropout who wishes to be a tattooist. But kept getting himself into a lot of trouble.

A fourth example, would be how Jack Nicholson’s character in “The Bucket List“, had always wanted to get a real tattoo. So after skydiving 🪂, he got that off the list, as well as getting a funny tattoo. Kept it until his obituary in the epilogue in that 2007 buddy comedy movie.

Finally, as a fifth and final example, Welsh-born Canadian voice actor Richard Ian Cox, as a field hamster named Sabu. In the kids anime tv show, “Hamtaro”. No one knows how or where he got that eyepatch tattoo. In his early days of youth. On the other hand, he did kept it through his entire life. If his character really lost his eye, he would’ve ended up like Tom Cruise as Col. Claus Von Stauffenberg in “Valkyrie”.

So for now, let’s take a look at this tattooist. Who happens to be none other, than a Holocaust survivor.


Lale Sokolov (or Ludwig Eisenberg) had his entire life changed when the Holocaust had begun. Shortly after Germany 🇩🇪 invaded Poland 🇵🇱 on September 1st, 1939. Igniting the Second World War.

Millions of innocent Jewish people were terminated. While some have luckily fled from Europe, the rest who stayed, were rounded up and placed into those dirty death camps. The one in Auschwitz, deep in German occupied Poland, is the very worst one. Anyone who would dare to escape would be shot on sight. Or death by hanging. To those who stay in camp, while wearing those striped inmate outfits would face certain death….by poisonous gas chambers! 💀💀 Those damn sour krauts that eat sauerkraut (that is totally sour), would burn the dead bodies in a furnace! Even for pregnant woman 🤰 who still have their unborn child’s! And while those sour krauts have placed gypsies in this death camps, they’ve put up barbed wired electric fences!

Lale Sokolov’s job, was tattooing identification numbers on the arms of each inmate. His ID number was 32407. There, he remained for 3 years, since he entered in 1942. During in which, he met a lovely woman and fell in love. The only thing he didn’t liked, was being harassed by those sour krauts who eat too much sauerkraut. (Totally sour).

Until by the time the Soviets were advancing to Berlin in January of 1945, Lale and the love of his life escaped at last. After they were transferred to a concentration camp in Mauthausen. Both didn’t stop until they got to Slovakia.

Reunited at last, and married in late 1945, that was when they emigrated to Australia 🇦🇺 in 1948. Right before their first son was born. Settling in Melbourne, Australia, they opened up a clothing factory. And through the remaining years of his life, Lale Sokolov (or Ludwig Eisenberg) never again, returned to Europe. Not even with his wife, whenever she went on business trips.

By 2003, 3 months after his wife died, he was able to talk about his war-time experiences. That was when journalist Heather Morris wanted to hear his entire story, for three long years. During in which, he gets haunted by the people he met in the past, as hallucinations. All the way; until his obituary.

Lale Sokolov (or Ludwig Eisenberg) lived until he was 90 years old, on October 31st, 2006. As dead as Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders. Died in his sleep by dawn before Halloween night. 🎃 (I was living on 226 Sherwood Drive, behind the civic hospital, when they quietly announced his obituary). He was in his late 20’s when he was in that death camp. And then was 30 by the time he escaped.

Journalist Heather Morris didn’t had her novel published, about his life story until 2018. Two years before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in early 2020.

My reaction?

Like “Amadeus” & “Titanic”, the old guy tells the story to the person in front of him, while the rest is shown in flashback. Of what happened in the savage time. Throughout all six episodes. While reviewing this, had a little trouble with my tv addicted dad who deleted my personal recordings off the PVR on Thursday, May 30th, 2024. To make more room. I was gonna delete some recordings while they were asleep. But that 800 pound tv addicted gorilla got in the way, wouldn’t move, wouldn’t hand me the remote after I said ‘please’, and didn’t give a shit.

The reason why that this caught my attention, is that 84 year old Harvey Keitel is in it. A favourite to Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, & Quentin Tarantino. The pimp from “Taxi Driver”, Mr. White from “Reservoir Dogs”, Winston Wolf from “Pulp Fiction”, a CPO in “U-571”, and the cannibal dog leader from “Isle of Dogs”. He did a terrific job as that elderly Holocaust survivor.

And so did he, on the original music score. Made by none other than German born American composer, Hans Zimmer. Won a Golden Globe Award & Academy Award for the first ‘Dune’ flick, as well as one more Golden Globe Award for his work on “Gladiator”.

So for a success, 7.7 out of 10 stars is what I give. The only parts I didn’t liked were the sex scenes, how a pregnant woman gave birth to a kid in Auschwitz, and how those krauts, both male & female, were totally sour. Before they could eat sauerkraut that is totally sour. So I recommend this for ADULTS ONLY.

As of today, new generation people today feel very bad for elderly ones who faced the savage time. Back when they were so young long ago.

Until by the 2020’s, while many veterans passed away one by one, artists and architectures built memorials, monuments, and museums of the Holocaust. That is until U.S. President Joesph Biden gave a powerful speech by 12 pm on May 7th, 2024. To honor those who perished, and to honor those who survived like how Lale Sokolov did. It was powerful and magnificent, thanks to him.


In conclusion, other than that WW2 & Cold War crap, there are other stories on what happened in history, that need to be told. And be made into a tv show or movie like how they did. Nothing more, nothing else.

Fortunately there is this, that I found out. Newcomer American actor Dominic Sessa. I don’t like for what happened in “The Holdovers”. If it weren’t for those two shithead parents, portrayed by Tate Donovan and Gillian Vigman. Leaving that boy alone at college with a history professor and a chubby lunch lady for the Christmas holidays. It’s similar to what happened, to that young but sad & poor Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. But do you know what Dominic Sessa reminds me of?

John Luther ‘Casey’ Jones. That famous train engineer. While owning a black train locomotive named ‘The Cannonball’, he risked everything in the railroad business; until his tragic accident at age 37. And what happened to him?

The eve of April 30th, 1900. The darkest night of the year. While a new moon was in the dark night sky, he and African-American fireman Simeon T. Webb were aware of what was up ahead. Rain and fog were in the way.

Unbeknownst to them, three trains were in the way. Due to their lack of communication. So while Casey Jones was going too fast and too furious, fireman Simeon T. Webb jumped out, just in time.

Casey Jones however, was killed at 3:52 AM in the train crash. Right behind a brake van/caboose! BOOM!

Simeon and many helpers pulled his dead body out, where they held his funeral on May 2nd, 1900. And after John Luther ‘Casey’ Jones was buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery, his story immediately became a legend.

Train engineer John Luther ‘Casey’ Jones was the very first, to be fast and furious. How do you like them apples, Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto? So if anyone could portray this historical character, it has to be Dominic Sessa. This here, has to be made into a motion picture or a TV show! Right away! No delay! And no excuses!

The Longest Day (1962)

I was able to watch this in time for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. A.k.a Operation Overlord. And while this was shown on TV channel Turner Classic Movies, for the 1st time in years, they showed “Saving Private Ryan” from Steven Spielberg.

Out in Europe, many veterans went overseas to pay those who perished on D-Day. Prince William got the chance to meet Canadian prime Minister Trudeau. And while King Charles III & Queen Camilla got emotional, only U.S. President Joseph Biden stayed behind cause he’s got problems of his own.

For this motion picture that I am pleased, they’ve chosen an all star cast for this. John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Roddy McDowell, Red Buttons, Richard Burton, Robert Mitchum, Sal Mineo, Robert Wagner, Kenneth More, Sean Connery, Bernard Fox, and more.

This shows about how the Allied invasion of Normandy, was played out. On June 6th, 1944. First the airborne at night and day. And of course, the beach landings. To take back France, from the German forces under the reign of ruthless chancellor Adolf Hitler.

While the Canadians took on Juno beach mostly, the American forces took on Omaha beach. That’s where “Saving Private Ryan” took place.

8.4 out of 10 stars is what I give.

The Alamo (1960 with John Wayne)

There have been famous people in tall tales and legends. Real people, as there has to be biographic motion pictures. About what someone did, and how they changed America forever. Actress Shelley Duvall in her case, did those direct to videotape series of the same name. And had Hollywood’s best of the best. To portray them. With the help of Lyrick Studios that did those “Veggie Tales” & “Wishbone” videos. Not to mention that ‘Barney’ guy.

When storyteller Bil Lepp came into power, he did that tv show “Man VS History”, on the History Channel. And he too, talked about famous people in tall tales and legends. He did a terrific job.

Now in the motion picture business, there’s been only two. That I rely on. Betty Hutton as Annie Oakley, in “Annie Get Your Gun” from 1950. Joining her would be Howard Keel as Frank Butler, Louis Calhern as Col. Buffalo Bill, as well as J. Carrol Naish as Chief Sitting Bull.

And this from MGM with John Wayne, as he directed this in 1960. Portraying the most famous folk hero, soldier, politician, and frontiersman from Tennessee. Colonel Davy Crockett. A.k.a, ‘King of the Wild Frontier’. You can tell when he has that raccoon hat he wears.


This shows the final days of Davy Crockett. For he and his Tennesseans join the Texans in the Texas Revolution. And they began to get ready, for the battle that would be their very last.

The battle of the Alamo. From February 23rd to March 6th, 1863.

A ruthless Mexican generalissimo named Antonio López de Santa Anna, lead a massive army. His target was the Alamo. Only a handful of Texans and Tennesseans including Colonel’s David Crockett, Jim Bowie, & William Barrett Travis sacrificed themselves to save innocent homesteaders. Women and children mostly, including reliable Mexicans. They fought together at the Alamo, while only a widow, two children and a messenger portrayed by Frankie Avalon, survived.

My reaction?

Instead of watching the same boring WWII & Cold War movies, (tv shows too), this really takes the kick. Besides, I always wanted to watch a movie about Davy Crockett, and learn about this event. Where I come from, we never had the time to learn about the Texas Revolution in history class. Or choose to do an historical character. Like Davy Crockett, or Johnny Appleseed, or Casey Jones, or John Henry, or Ponce De Leon.

Which is why I’ve given this 8.8 out of 10 stars. In fact, this deserved to win a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score- Motion Picture. AND, the Academy Award for Best Sound. All thanks to John Wayne.


In conclusion, the next time someone makes a motion picture, or a tv show, based on what happened in history like this one, it would be interesting to tell us about this.

A long lost battle that happened during the First World War. From August 27th to October 16th, 1916. The Battle of Transylvania!

Only for the Battle of Transylvania, it would be cool if they added in those big armoured trains….and these bad boys. Not vampires. But these with big black noses and furry tails….

I can see it now. The story of how the Battle of Transylvania takes an unexpected turn, when both sides are suddenly attacked by hostile clans of werewolves. All in which are big, furry, & vicious. So a group of Austrian, German & Romanian soldiers combine forces in order to survive. Just as long as no one wants to get mauled & murdered by one. Even worse: get bitten or scratched to become the next werewolf. Cause if that happens, one person can fight against monsters. But not the curse of lycanthropy…whenever there is a full moon 🌖 in the sky…

What do you think of that idea? That would be really something to see. Even in time for Halloween. 🎃

And say ‘IYF Stephen King & R.L. Stine!’. So this idea has to be made into a motion picture (or a tv show) right away! No delay!

AFTER the release of this new remake of “The Wolf Man”. Which marks the 2nd remake of that werewolf story. Coming soon on January 17th, 2025. Then filmmakers & tv show creators need to focus on other events on what happened in history, like “The Alamo” than this WWII & Cold War crap we see today.

That means you too Sir Steven Rodney McQueen! U can do your ‘Blitz’ movie, coming soon-ish on Apple TV. But no more WWII & Cold War crap RIGHT NOW. Nothing more, nothing else. That goes for the rest in Hollywood.

Franklin (miniseries on Apple TV)

This is not a review of the 1997 cartoon tv show, “Franklin”. Which is about that turtle book character, from the Canadian children’s books franchise. And this is not about a Charles M. Schultz character in the Peanuts gang; which he is friendly to Charlie Brown. You can see this, ONLY on Apple TV. Each episode were aired mostly on Friday nights. From April 12th, to May 17th, 2024.

And after the series ended, the star of this historical drama tv show got to appear on a ‘Jeopardy’ game tv show episode. With 5 questions that can make you win cash. From $200 to $1000.

For what happened in history, really happened. To the time when America was born. This is about one of the founding fathers. And, the first person to discover electricity ⚡️ in his kite 🪁 experiment. Benjamin Franklin himself.

Michael Douglas, who was in “Falling Down” & “The American President” portrays Benjamin Franklin. Joining him would be none other than Noah Jupe. From those “Quiet Place” movies. His role is William Templeton Franklin, which is Benjamin Franklin’s grandson.

And introducing two European stars. Tom Pezier as King Louis XVI. And Maria Dragus as Marie Antoinette. 20 years before they had to ‘quit while they were a-head’ of themselves at the end of the French Revolution. In Napoleon Bonaparte’s case, he didn’t made a cameo & was never mentioned in this. He was just a young officer in the military at that time. And never cared about the 13 colonies of America. 🇺🇸

In the year 1776, Benjamin Franklin and his grandson went from the 13 colonies of USA 🇺🇸 to France 🇫🇷. Asking for help from the French to defeat the British 🇬🇧. During in which, the French politicians feared that Benjamin Franklin is a spy. Sent from the British 🇬🇧.

During his stay in France 🇫🇷, they speak both English and French in this miniseries tv show. Heck, Michael Douglas as Benjamin Franklin spoke French in this!

So I would recommend to watch this in both history class and French class in school. Besides, I always wanted to learn more about Benjamin Franklin. And why he became one of the founding fathers of America 🇺🇸.

While they’ve mentioned Canada 🇨🇦 in this, a couple of times including Newfoundland, Clint Worthington on awarded this 3 out of 4 stars.

So for a success, a ‘B-‘ is what I give. Superb. Just has a lot of sex scenes. And lovey dovey stuff that I don’t think your kids will like.

Tune in next time for another tv show review, in which again, this takes place during the savage time. Which is the Second World War and the Holocaust. “The Tattooist of Auschwitz”, with only Harvey Keitel as a Lale Sokolov, a Holocaust survivor.